Just moved, to a larger office

Since 2019, the MonetDB Solutions team has seen considerable growth. So, while we have largely enjoyed the previous office, we needed to expand. Luckily, another office space on the Science Park campus became available just on time.

This office has more spacious and bright rooms to accommodate further growth of the company while allowing us to keep a healthy distance from each other. The private coffee area is an excellent place for lounging and discussions, out of which many good ideas can come.

We immediately signed up for the new office space. But even for a small company like ours, the moving still required quite some coordination and preparation. We were amazed how much new stuff we acquired in just over two years. 😄

Finally, on September 3, 2021, the moving company came, loaded everything in their big truck and drove to the new location. The whole process was done professionally and smoothly. Kudos to AA Verhuizers!

Our team worked together to set up the new office. Even before the week ended, the majority of the work was done. Most importantly, the machines were rebooted and the network reconnected. So, disruption to our daily work was minimal.

So, from now on you can find us at Science Park 408, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Want to join a highly diverse and enthusiastic technical team? Check out our job openings.

We look forward to meeting you at our new office!

In the meantime, have a look at the MonetDB software suit 😏