MonetDB Solutions to help strengthen the position of EU fashion retailers

In the new EU project FashionBrain, MonetDB Solutions helps to strengthen the position of European fashion retailers in the world market by developing new technologies such as in-database machine learning, in-database entity linking, and support for unstructured JSON data in MonetDB. The new features are expected to be released in official releases of the MonetDB open-source software suite as of 2018.

About FashionBrain

The FashionBrain project is a €2.8m three year project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The project is being led by Dr Alessandro Checco and involves several partners from across Europe, including the Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Universite de Fribourg, Zalando SE, Fashwell AG and MonetDB Solutions B.V.

The FashionBrain project aims at combining data from different sources to support different fashion industry players by predicting upcoming fashion trends from social media as well as by providing personalised recommendations and advanced fashion item search to customers.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732328.